2005-01-01 00:00:00
Happy New Year!
Another year gone... I never did like changing to a new year. I always forget when I write the date on important papers, i forget how old I am, changing years just plain sucks. I just got used to writing 2004, now I have to change? Anyway, new year's eve was pretty uneventful. I finished the computer, so that's out of the way. My parents went to the golf course and me and my sister stayed home. I'm not really a fan of going someplace where I'm constantly hounded to sing karaoke or to dance, and on top of that have to come home smelling like smoke. Not fun... Oh, and how stupid is Verizon! I tried to call a few minutes after 12 and the lines were saturated. I got a stupid "System Out" message. The biggest frickin' mobile phone company and they can't handle a couple billion people calling at the same time! Is it so hard to make stuff that works? If you're dumb it is.Back